Dr Chris Okafor Dr Chris Okafor
With heavy heart I and the entire citizen of Grace Nation mourn with Pastor Adeboye, family and the entire Redeem Christian church of God members on the death of Pastor Dare Adeboye, it is sad but we cannot question God, because God has his reason for everything
The Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris Okafor said although it is not so easy for someone of Pastor Dare Adeboye age to die like that but it’s very sad on Earth but there is joy in heaven when a righteous man die, Pastor Dare Adeboye has demonstrated and exhibited a true servant of God by dedicating his entire life to the service of God and according to the bible, it is appointed for a man to die, so Pastor Dare Adeboye has fulfill scripture.
The Man of God pray along with the entire Grace Nation citizen for the family of Pastor Enoch Adeboye for God to give them the fortitude to bear the lost, Dr okafor remarked that one prayer is for children to bury there parent not for parent to buried there child but God has the final says
Pastor Dare Adeboye has done is own part, he is with his maker, it is an appointment for everyone to die, but how you leave your life matters, for you to check-in into heaven you have to leave a righteous life according to the scripture
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