The Limit Breaker London Conference: For You To Move forward, You Must First Deal with Every Evil Horns – Dr Chris Okafor|Blissful Affairs Online


The Limit Breaker London Conference: For You To Move forward, You Must First Deal with Every Evil Horns – Dr Chris Okafor|Blissful Affairs Online

The two Major Assignments of the evil horns in the life of the People, is to Scattered the good things God had plan for them and also to keep them in Same situations and Position in Life.

Speaking at the Day 1 of The Limit Breaker Conference in London, The Global Prophet and Senior Pastor Grace Nation world-wide aka Liberation City Dr Chris Okafor said the Assignment of the evils horns is to put people in Bad Position in Life.

The Generational Prophet of God who Teaches on the Topic “Breaking The Horns of Wickedness” emphasised that the horn represents Powers, Positions and The head to mention but few, saying for something good to come or for you to fight for something good , you need the horns, Therefore you must Position yourself in the place of Prayers to dislodge the Power of every evil horns in your life.

Speaking on what to do to breakout from the Various horns of Wickedness in your family and life.

The Popular Lagos Prophet said you must be a soul winner, When you win souls into the kingdom of God, Elohim empowers you with the words bigger and stronger than all principalities,

The Man of God also highlighted that when you Provide yourself as a Kingdom investor, God empowers you to breakout from any forms of wicked Horns that the enemy has sent to keep you and your family, in conclusion the Generational Prophet of God declared that for a child of God to move forward, you must first deal with all forms of evil horn that has been keeping people in same Position for a long time in your family.

Spirit of Limitations were broken at the conference with Prophetic declarations by God servant, evils horns holding the destiny of many gives way as many were set Free from the hand of those stronger than them,

Mighty Deliverance, Miracle of all kind, Restoration from evil horns were all evidential in the life of People at the Conference, The Mighty hand of God was evidential everywhere at the meeting.

Day 2 of The Limit Breaker Conference continue on 19th August 2024 at Same Venue Dominion Center 9 The Broadway High Road, Wood Green London N22 6DS, the Time is 4pm.

Join Dr Chris Okafor at The Limit Breaker Conference London for a life changing Prophetic Encounter and Experience.


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