SIFAX Group Subsidiaries Get ISO Quality Certification|Blissful Affairs Online


    SIFAX Group Subsidiaries Get ISO

    Quality Certification

    Three subsidiaries of SIFAX Group have received the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO 9001:2015) certificates for quality

    management system.
    The three subsidiaries are Ports & Cargo Handling Services Limited, SIFAX Shipping Company Limited and SIFAX Nigeria Limited.

    ISO 9001 is an international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS). Organizations use the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements
    At the formal presentation of the certificates to SIFAX Group, Ope Bashorun, CEO, West Sealand International Security Services Limited, the project consultants, said the high operational standards the companies subscribe to made the ISO audit exercise an interesting one for his team and the road to certification less stressful.
    He said: “In the 21st century workplace, standards are becoming a differentiation factor. The competitiveness of the business environment and the need to deliver quality makes them more imperative for any business that has a long-term vision. We are delighted to have worked with you all through the stages and we are convinced the certification will positively impact service delivery.”
    In his response, Mr. Adekunle Oyinloye, GMD, SIFAX Group said the drive of becoming a globally-compliant company and the need to constantly evolve motivated the certification project.
    “SIFAX Group is a company that wants to measure up to international quality standards. By this, we are demonstrating to all our customers, regulatory agencies and other stakeholders our resolve to deliver quality service”, he noted.
    Oyinloye further assured that the company would maintain the high standards that qualified the subsidiaries for the certification.

    L-R: Samuel Sawah, Technical Director; Francisca Dyegh, Executive Director, Business Development and Ope Bashorun, Chief Executive Officer all of West Sealand Int’l Security Services Limited presenting the International Organisation for Standardisation 9001:2015 (ISO) certificate to Adekunle Oyinloye, Group Managing Director, SIFAX Group and Paul vd Linden, Managing Director, SIFAX Logistics. Three of SIFAX Group’s subsidiaries- Ports & Cargo Handling Services Limited, SIFAX Shipping Company Limited and SIFAX Nigeria Limited all bagged the ISO 9001:2015 certificates. The award presentation ceremony was held at SIFAX Group’s head office at Apapa, Lagos Recently.

    Adekunle Oyinloye, Group Managing Director, SIFAX Group presenting one of the ISO 9001:2015 certificates to Paul vd Linden, Managing Director, SIFAX Logistics Company Limited.

    SIFAX Group staff from the relevant subsidiaries posing with the ISO 9001:2015 presented to Ports & Cargo Handling Services Limited, SIFAX Shipping Company Limited and SIFAX Nigeria Limited- three of SIFAX Group subsidiaries. The award presentation ceremony was held at SIFAX Group’s head office at Apapa, Lagos Recently.

    A picture of the three ISO 9001:2015 c

    Certificates bagged by the SIFAX Group subsidiaries- Ports & Cargo Handling Services Limited, SIFAX Shipping Company Limited and SIFAX Nigeria Limited.


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