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Sensational discovery! An ordinary rural specialist found a new way to restore hearing and saved his fellow villager from complete deafness!|Blissful Affairs Online


Sensational discovery! An ordinary rural specialist found a new way to restore hearing and saved his fellow villager from complete deafness!

Why did pharmacy chains stage a real hunt for a specialist and is it possible to achieve justice when everything is bought?

Chijioke Okeke is one of those caring people who are willing to risk their lives for the health and well-being of others.

After graduating from the Nigerian Independent University, Chijioke Okeke returned to his native village and began working as a doctor at a local medical centre.

What prevented a simple rural specialist from officials and businessmen, and why did a real hunt open for him?

Find out today in our special report.

Ngozi Adekunle is always waiting for Chijioke to visit with great joy because he did the impossible – he saved her from complete deafness!

He has known Ngozi Adekunle since childhood. She always treated the boy well, treated him with berries and sweets. But age takes its toll, Ngozi Adekunle got tinnitus, and his hearing began to deteriorate rapidly, it became difficult to talk with people to solve various everyday problems. Ngozi’s husband died 5 years ago, and her only daughter lives in Abuja and visits her mother every three months.

Chijioke, as a sensitive person, took patronage over a fellow villager and even got her examined by the best Nigerian doctors. However, the verdict was disappointing – the best luminaries of medical science abandoned the pensioner and predicted a quick loss of hearing and complete deafness.

But Chijioke did not give up! By all means, he decided to help the pensioner. And he succeeded! Based on ancient natural recipes, he created a remedy that helped Ngozi Adekunle restore her hearing and return to her usual rural life!

We visited the pensioner and talked with her:

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— Hello Ngozi, tell us about Chijioke Okeke because he saved you from total hearing loss!

— Yes, Chiji is my saviour! My hearing became completely bad, there was tinnitus, and I could not talk to people normally, because I did not hear what they answered me. Even buying something in a store or just going out is difficult when you don’t hear anything at all, so I asked Chiji or a neighbour Adeze. Seldom left the house. Chiji took me to Abuja to examine, and there they only shrugged, they said that it was time for me to measure myself with complete deafness.

But how to live in the countryside when you don’t hear the people or what’s going on around you? How to go out, how to shop, solve everyday problems? Who will do all this? My daughter is in the city, she has a job, and a family, and three grandchildren are growing up, but I can’t chain her to an old woman and deprive her children of their mother.

Ngozi Adekunle’s condition rapidly deteriorated. She practically did not hear anything and because of this, she got into unpleasant situations. A couple of times she almost got hit by a car because she didn’t hear the signal. The surrounding people did not understand how to talk to her and how to help her. Even simple tasks are difficult for a deaf person to solve.

And Chiji brought some kind of herbal tincture and it helped me! Every day I got better. The noise in my ears decreased, and my hearing slowly began to return. I continued to drink this herbal tincture and after about two months I began to hear loud sounds. TV at high volume or when a person is speaking loudly to me.

But Chiji told me to keep drinking the tincture, so I continued. And after a while, my hearing returned completely! The noise in my ears is also gone. I hear everything very well, as in my youth. I go outside and talk to neighbours and grandchildren on the phone. I no longer have any hearing problems

Nothing worries the hearing is the same as it was in his younger years. Chiji thank you every day. A very kind guy, always interested in how I feel, comes once a week, never forgets.

We met Chijioke Okeke at work. He hurried to his patients as usual.

But we managed to ask him a few questions.

— Chijioke, tell us how did you manage to restore Ngozi Adekunle’s hearing? After all, even Nigerian doctors refused it!

— I have known Ngozi Adekunle since childhood, she was always kind to me, I often ran into her house and she was always glad to see me. It was hard for me to watch her lose the ability to hear normally. There is no one to help her, she lives alone. I found a way to take her to Abuja, but they didn’t help us there.

Then I decided to look for alternative ways – my grandmother and mother are also doctors. At home, we kept old books of folk recipes for various diseases, herbalists, and grandmother’s notes in notebooks. Previously, medicine was mainly folk, especially in the villages. These recipes are time-tested, and as a doctor, I understood that I definitely wouldn’t do worse. And if you’re lucky, I’ll help a good person.

I began to look for something on the topic by hearing and finding interesting entries. I paid special attention to Maltodextrin. It contains many vitamins, antioxidants and natural antibiotic components. The substance is not addictive and has no side effects. So it is safe to use. Thanks to this substance, our ancestors were able to survive in the wild. It not only helps to get rid of the symptoms of the disease but also eliminates the root causes of the disease – these are old cells that function slowly and the circulatory system that nourishes the inside of the ear.

I also used idlula leaf extract – it perfectly relieves inflammation and pain, and also – it helps stop degenerative processes in the eardrums.

These ingredients are not so rare in our area, I found them quickly enough. Made a remedy and ordered Ngozi to be taken twice a day. She called me three days later and said that the hearing began to return.

I confess that I did not expect such a wonderful result. But I am very glad that Ngozi Adekunle helped.

— And what happened next? How did it happen that a real hunt began for you? We know that threats are pouring in on you and there were even attempts to set fire to your house.

— When I realized that Ngozi was getting better, I tested my product on other people who had hearing problems. And it helped everyone! They thanked me very much and asked me to patent the remedy.

Yes, and I wanted to help not only my fellow villagers but also all the people in our country. After all, millions of people suffer from various hearing diseases: hearing loss, tinnitus, various discomfort, and various inflammatory processes.

I nevertheless decided to go to Abuja to the research institute. I was well received, doctors of sciences, and professors listened with interest about my remedy, asked about the composition, and I told them everything. They said they would research my remedy, but for the time being, they sent me home and assured me that they would be invited back soon to patent my formula.

But two months have passed, and no one has contacted me from Abuja. I called, but I couldn’t speak to anyone.

And then one day guests came to me – representatives of a pharmaceutical company in expensive cars. They offered a lot of money, they wanted to buy my formula. But I refused, I want to help people, not to earn money. So I turned them down.

And then some incomprehensible people came to me and threatened to remain silent about the fact that it was I who invented the remedy, otherwise they would kill me.

Then it hit me! Abuja wants to steal my formula and make millions on it!

I said that this is my remedy, I invented it and I will not allow anyone else to patent it. Then threats began to pour in on me on the phone, they forced me to quit, promised to put me in prison, and even one night they tried to set fire to my house!! Fortunately, the neighbours noticed in time.

Despite constant threats, Chijioke continues to work and help his patients who have no one else to rely on

— Just think! A real detective!

— Yes exactly. They are there in Abuja used to solving cases by such methods. What I am for them is just a rural specialist who can be removed from the road and earn billions on my opening.

Or maybe they even want to sell the formula abroad and our people will never see my remedy, but the Americans and Europeans will be able to restore their hearing and be healthy and happy.

I couldn’t let that happen! Therefore, i decided to seek the truth and again went to Abuja. The whole village even collected money for me for the trip, because my salary is not enough to travel back and forth.

I went to look for support. I travelled to a lot of scientific institutes and got acquainted with many professors and researchers. And I’m lucky! I met people who entered my situation, for whom not money comes first, but people’s health! These are doctors by vocation, for whom the Hippocratic oath is not just a sound!

A group of scientists from the Independent Science Center worked on the creation of Acuflex, which was based on a formula invented by Chijioke Okeke

They helped me patent the formula, and with the support of the Independent Scientific Center for Hearing Rehabilitation, a remedy based on my formula was released. It was called Acuflex. It contains only natural ingredients that I used before.

My invention has successfully passed all tests, and safety checks and showed amazing results!

  • 99% of patients fully recovered their hearing.
  • 98% of patients got rid of noise and inflammation in the ears.
  • 100% satisfied with the result and are ready to recommend the Acuflex to their relatives and friends.

This drug has a positive effect on everyone without exception. No other medicine available today is as effective as this!

People got rid of such diseases as hearing impairment, deafness, tinnitus, otitis media, otomycosis, Meniere’s disease and many others that seriously impair the quality of life and create many problems. I am very glad that my tool has finally seen the light of day and has become available to most people.

— And it can already be bought at the pharmacy?

— Unfortunately no. Greedy pharmacists do not want to sell Acuflex at the price we would like to charge. And this is beyond the reach of many Nigerians, to say nothing of pensioners living in villages and villages.

But we have found a way that will allow everyone to get a Acuflex and get a discount of up to 50%. Yes, you heard right, the Acuflex can be ordered at a discounted price!

— How to do it? Need any help or recipes?

— No, all that is required is to live in the Nigeria and be over 30 years old. Acuflex is sent directly from the warehouse and delivered by post. But the catch is that there are a lot of people with hearing problems, and the tool is still being produced in limited quantities, since the project is funded by the state, not commercial.


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