Rain of Miracles fall at Grace Nation Night of Exodus


    According to the scripture, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, therefore its implies that the power of the lord remain the same since the day of the old, now and forever, this biblical testimonies came to fore at the monthly night of prophecy and solution (May edition) of Grace Nation aka Liberation city with theme MY MONTH OE EXODUS PART 2 the program was held at the international headquarters of the church in ojodu Berger Lagos Nigeria, West Africa.

    There was massive rainfall of miracle throughout the conference, the program began has early as 7pm on 31st May 2019 with over 12000 worshiper seated and worship the lord with the sole aim of presenting their individual heart desire or problems unto Jehovah.

    The God of Grace Nation in a twinkle of an eye visited more than 6,000 case file, revealing all the conspiracy and strong man behind people ordeal and also profiling instant solution thereby setting all the lawful captives free.Image may contain: 1 person, crowd and outdoor

    The Night of Exodus, Prophecy and Deliverance began with divine praise and worship section led by the Liberation Voice choir members, the segment prepared and provide the enabling environment for the spirit of the Holy Ghost to come down and minister Live to his children. While the youth drama team also light up the stage for God servant and the Generational Prophet of Dr Chris Okafor to manned the pulpit, for a divine encounter for all present at the vigil including all the Liberation TV viewers across the world.

    It was prophecy unusual immediately the Generational prophet of God Dr Chris okafor mounted the Grace Nation Holy Ghost saturated Altar; he went straight into the realms of the prophetic, mentioning names and case files accurately. He travel far and near through his prophetic wings to invited evil strongman to the service for them to come and explain their involvement in different case file, everybody present at the program were prophesy for, he settle case of late marriage syndrome, destroy marine network blocking marriage, he cancel great forefather agreement, re united couples whose case of divorce is currently in court, he exposed the family line curse behind there constant disagreements, the good news is that both couple promise to withdraw the divorce suit immediately on Monday 3rd June 2019, yokes of poverty, sickness, mere success syndromes destroyed, over 88 expectant mothers carried their miracle babies at the conference, A couple who witness the conference and will not want their name mention told this platform that the night of exodus will ever remain fresh on their mind because they have visited lot of churches without solution to their problem but at the night of exodus God visited their case file and they are set free, they said they have never seen where miracles falls like rain, except in Grace Nation, they said Dr Chris okafor is a real man of God and a senior first class prophet who hears clearly from God

    Meanwhile this sport lover of football man of God Dr Chris okafor Has again tips Liverpool football club of England as the winners of the 2018/2019 champion, the Generational Prophet of God who spoke in parable like he did few days ago on the Europa Cup, that Chelsea is the winner and it come to pass said Liverpool will beat anything that comes their way to win the cup, I tips Liverpool he concluded

    The anticipated Two Night With The King come up 27th-28th June 2019 at TBS Lagos island Nigeria, west Africa, the special guest preacher is Arch-Bishop Nicholas dunce William of action chapel Ghana, he is the spiritual father of Dr Chris okafor who is the host Prophet, the two days program will be brutal, the kingdom of darkness is already shaking, come with all your family, come with your problems too, you will never go back the same.


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