Lagos Youth Commissioner Congratulates Yishawu|Blissful Affairs Online


    Lagos Youth Commissioner Congratulates Yishawu


    Consistency and diligence are essential tools in attaining greater height. It is no news that the Nigerian Youth Parliament has recorded a new shift with Dr Azeezat Yishawu emerging as the first female Speaker. 


    Dr Azeezat is a woman of great intellect and integrity whose passion and drive for positive change in the youth space is second to none. 


    Dr Azeezat Yishawu was a member of the fourth Lagos State Youth Parliament and she is one of the beneficiaries of the Maiden edition of the Transformational Leadership Training organised by the Ministry of Youth and Social Development in September 2021. There is no iota of doubt that she is prepared for the mantle of power that has been handed to her. 


    I am very excited that our youth are setting the pace and flying the Lagos banner. This victory is a win for the entire youth in Lagos State. 


    This is also to encourage the youth especially the female gender to be limitless in their quests for youth involvement.


    Congratulations Dr Azeezat Yishawu on your emergence as the first female speaker of the Nigerian Youth Parliament.




    Mr. Olusegun Dawodu

    Hon. Commissioner

    Lagos State Ministry of Youth and Social Development




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