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Dentsu Creative Nigeria Leads As Nigerian Agencies Put Up Sterling Performances At Pitchers|Blissful Affairs Online 


Dentsu Creative Nigeria Leads As Nigerian Agencies Put Up Sterling Performances At Pitchers|Blissful Affairs Online

In a performance worthy of the recent spurts of growth witnessed in the Nigerian creative advertising ecosystem, Nigerian agencies emerged biggest winners at the 2024 Pitcher Awards with Dentsu Creative Nigeria emerging as the prestigious Advertising Agency of the Year.

Dentsu Creative Nigeria’s performance is reflective of that of Dentsu Africa on the night of the creative Mundial as Dentsu Africa was crowned Africa Advertising Agency Network of the Year while carting away four Grand Prix Awards, 14 Gold Awards, 27 Silver Awards, and 27 Bronze Awards across Sub-Saharan Africa.

Other Nigerian agencies put superlative performances, Carat Nigeria secured second place as Media Agency of the Year, PHD Nigeria emerged as the Media Agency of the Year and Carat was named Africa Media Agency Network of the Year. While X3M Ideas Nigeria, BrandEye Media Nigeria, Carat Nigeria, PHD Nigeria and other agencies smiled home with several gold and silvers.

This year, the Pitcher Awards spotlighted outstanding work in eight categories, from innovative digital campaigns to impactful cultural initiatives. The categories celebrated Channel, Craft, Culture, Digital, Effectiveness, Entertainment, Good, and Heritage, honouring creativity on African soil.

According to the organisers of the awards, the Africa Media Agency Network of the Year recognizes participating media agency networks that have achieved the highest scores in the Channel category across at least two markets. The Africa Advertising Agency Network of the Year represents the full-service advertising agency network that has scored the highest points across all award categories from at least two markets.

 The esteemed jury members, drawn from across Africa and beyond, praised the high calibre of submissions this year. Their dedication and discernment ensured that only the most outstanding campaigns received recognition.

Commenting on the success of this year’s awards, the organisers of the awards said, “We express our heartfelt gratitude to the jury members for their exceptional work in benchmarking and curating Africa’s top creative works in the past year from within the continent and in the diaspora. Together, we celebrate creativity, diversity, and the future of advertising in Africa.”

On his part, Dawn Rowlands, CEO of Dentsu Africa said, “We are immensely proud of our teams’ achievements at the Pitcher Awards. We will continue to challenge the industry and drive meaningful progress for people, our clients, and society through groundbreaking campaigns and radical collaboration. These wins reflect our commitment to pushing creative boundaries, inspiring the industry, and innovating across Africa.”


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