Dele Alli’s parents begged him to return after abandoning him since age 3


    The heartbroken parents of England footballer Dele Alli recently revealed their despair at having no part in the superstar’s life.

    In an extraordinary interview, Dele’s mum, Denise, repeatedly breaks down as she tells how she now cries herself to sleep at night over the ordeal.

    And his father Kehinde, a multi-millionaire businessman, tells how the only thing missing in his life is his first-born son.

    Despite splitting when Dele was a child, media says his parents came together this week and spoke out in a desperate bid to repair their relationship with the £60,000-a-week Spurs midfielder.

    As they opened up family albums to reveal happy photos of Dele’s ­childhood Kehinde, 47, told the ­media “I just do not understand what we have done wrong.

    “He refuses to speak to me and it feels like he’s been taken from us. But I won’t give up on getting him back.”

    Dele’s mum Denise, 53, added: “I’m a very miserable person because I get so sad that Dele is missing out on his family and we’re missing out on him.


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