
    For sometimes now,I have pondered and wondered,over the Dakolos’ rape allegation against Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo of COZA. It is a story that has and still generates a lot of debates in Nigeria’s media landscape, particularly, the social media.

    The dust raised, as a result of this media whirlwind, is such that leaves one to the bewilderment of what our society is drifting towards. No doubt, much have been written or aired about this saga. However, many more is craved for in order to lay the whole imbroglio to a logical standstill.

    For some reasons, I have held my pen, in order to assuage the already debilitating media onslaught, that could annihilate the parties involved in this saga. Sufficed to have said that, however, it is also important to get the public enlightened to avoid societal rancours.

    At this point in time, it is immaterial,to recount what has transpired. A lot had been fed to public on this topic, but the truth must prevail.

    Let’s fast forward a little retrospectively. In her allegation, Busola Dakolo claimed she was raped, for good 3times, the first of these incidence, was in her parents home, even with another adult in the house. Funny enough, a report claimed that, Pastor Biodun had affairs with the said adult. Another report even suggested that, he might have spent the night in Busola’ sister’s room for him to be there that early. You can imagine how laughable that could be.

    In my few years of sojourning this earth, I’m aware how extremely difficult it could be for two women to share a man, their intimacy or ties notwithstanding. That could only happen when such relationship is mandated by marital bonds.

    Does it not defy critical cognition that a “VIRGIN” would be raped and with ease and she was still at peace till the rapist went outside to where he parked his car and to fetch a bottle of krest soft drink.

    The same krest she was not forced to drink?

    When something happens once, it could be called an incident. If it happens again ( the second time),we may call it a ‘coincidence,’ but surely I do not have a reasonable grammar; that justifies a sexual intercourse with the same man(rapist) as a rape case. You could see the incoherence of such allegations.

    I do not intend to underestimate the usefulness of the social media particularly how effective it could be in reaching a vast majority. However,many Nigerians digest social media content with lots of sentiments and emotions.

    Instagram,Twitter, Facebook;etc,are not courts of law. As such redress for grievances must be sought in the court, be it crime or civil battles.

    It is worrisome, how individuals, organisations, homes, governments and institutions are degraded on social media. Some of these social media crusaders do so as popularity stunts. Besides, is there medical reports from Dakolos to back the purported rape allegation? This, most often than not is unknown to unsuspecting public.

    Back to Timi Dakolo and his wife. I read, how the musician came out to say, he never said his wife was a virgin how he never wedded his wife in Biodun’s church, how he’s been intimidated, by who? How the police served him an invitation and all others. Let me say that, if not for this saga, I wouldn’t have known his wife wasn’t a virgin,when he married her.

    Has it occurred to Busola, that she is being used as a social media stooge? Where are those placard-carrying protesters geering and cheering her?

    I guess the celebrities, actors and body of ‘lawyers’ praising her so-called “courage” have sent her money for the legal escapade she is set for.

    What about all her Facebook and Instagram or Twitter Judges and ‘Senior Advocates?’

    I wouldn’t want to pitch my tent with those who refer to what has happened as fighting the Church(how be it,it appears so),but I think the Dakolos are treading on a seriously dangerous highway. The onus lies on them to make amend quickly as the whole stunt or whatever was intended has further been quashed by the supports shown COZA by CAN, objective Media houses and Personel with other critical Nigerians.


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