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CJPAN Felicitates With Folake Ani-Mumuney On Her Birthday|Blissful Affairs Online


CJPAN Felicitates With Folake Ani-Mumuney On Her Birthday

Celebrity Journal Publishers’ Association of Nigeria( CJPAN), is celebrating with Folake Ani- Mumuney, Head, Marketing & Corporate Communications, First Bank LTD. on the occasion of her birthday on Friday

In a statement released by the president of the association, Joshua Uloko, he joined millions of people, her family and her loved ones across the corporate organizations to celebrate this remarkable occasion.

” As a complete woman of repute, you proved to be one of the outstanding Amazon in the corporate entity for your contributions to the growth and development of the banking industry”.

CJPAN prays that the Almighty God will continue to give you good health, strength and wisdom to be able to perform your corporate responsibility effectively and abundantly.

PRO Department,
Akin Sokoya


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