Behold the Fulfilled 2019 Prophecies Of Primate Elijah Ayodele


    The year 2019 Is gradually folding up, it’s so surprising that we have gotten to the sixth month already whereas it feels like we just wished each other

    happy new year last month.

    In just six months into the year, a lot of unthinkable things have happened, we have gone through so many things especially in Nigeria, both negative and positive.

    At every point in time, every human tries to seek to know what will happen in the future, what he or she is expected to do and by so doing, everyone consults their gods even though the Almighty God is the one with the right answers to every man’s question.

    As much as God is the answer to our questions, he has all the secret, everything that will happen in the future, he wouldn’t come down from heaven because he has called some unique people to be his Prophets and it is well stated in his word that only his Prophets know his secret.

    ‘’ Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets’’

    One of these Prophets of God is Primate Elijah Babatunde Ayodele, the Founder of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church. Checks by us revealed that On December 28, 2018, he revealed some prophecies for 2019 which God showed him. The Prophecies bothered on all aspects of the society and the world at large.

    Among these Prophecies, some of them have come to pass already, infact, some started coming to pass a few days after he revealed them.

    One of his Prophecies was the Outbreak of Lassa Fever in some parts of Africa even after Lassa Fever was believed to have gone.

    In his words ‘’ In Nigeria and AFRICA, cases of EBOLA, Lassa, Polio will arise again, the rate of hypertension and diabetes will be on the rise, Cancer will be a major killer’’ and true to his words, On January 3rd, 2019, reports had it that Ebola has killed some people in Ondo, Edo and some other parts of the country.

    Similarly, he predicted a plane crash and asked that Prayers should be made to avert it but it seems the concerned parties didn’t pay attention to it which made it happen.

    Furthermore, one of the heights of the prophecy was the one that concerned Nigeria election which was to take place in February 2019.

    The Election, according to Primate Ayodele was going to be postponed and there will be inconclusive results in some places. He also made it known that there will be violence recorded across the country and that PDP’s Candidate, Atiku Abubakar will win if the election goes free and fair.

    Just as he said, everything happened, the election was postponed by one week, some parts were inconclusive, there was violence everywhere and INEC was accused of compromise after President Muhammadu Buhari was announced as the winner whereas election observers had another result with Atiku becoming the winner.

    He also warned against Building collapse in Lagos, he asked teachers to be prayerful to avert this tragedy he saw about Building collapse and just as he rightly saw, A school Building collapsed in Lagos, Itafaji with some pupils losing their lives in it.

    Also, he made it known that he saw a major plane crash happening and it will be very disastrous, lo and behold, just a few months ago, An Ethiopian airline crashed and all passengers on board died as a result of this.

    According to him, UK Prime Minister, Theresa May will not have a second term, he was very precise and just as he said, there have been reports that the Prime Minister might resign and replacement is already going on for her.

    In Sports, he predicted that between 2019 and 2020, Popular Boxer, Anthony Joshua will be knocked out and to the shock of everyone, Yesterday, 1st of June 2019, He was knocked out for the first time by Andy Ruiz Jr.

    He has made a lot of Prophecies, both Good and bad that has come to pass and this has made him stand out among other Prophets. A Prophets is known when he speaks and it comes to pass.


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