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Irish potatoes are a great food. 14 Reasons Why Your Body Needs It More

The Irish potato is a nutrient-dense vegetable that comes in a variety of colors. In the 1800s, the Irish potato was the most common variety of potato grown in Ireland.

Potatoes are edible tubers that are available all year. They are relatively inexpensive to grow, are high in nutrients, and can be used to make a tasty treat.

Because of the growing interest in low-carb foods, the humble potato has declined in popularity in recent years.

The fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals it contains, on the other hand, can help prevent disease and benefit human health.

Potatoes were domesticated around 10,000 years ago in the Andes region of South America. In the early sixteenth century, Spanish explorers brought them to Europe.                        

They are now the most important vegetable crop in the United States (U.S.), where the average person consumes 55 pounds (25 kg) of potatoes each year. They are a staple food in many countries worldwide.

This MNT Knowledge Center article is part of a series on the health benefits of common foods.

The Irish potato contains the following nutrients:

  1. Sodium, magnesium, zinc sulfate
  2. Phosphate of calcium
  3. Phosphorus

1. Blood pressure reduction: The Irish

Potatoes contain potassium, calcium, and magnesium, all of which help to lower blood pressure.

2. Weight management/reduction

Irish potato is filling and suppresses appetite, allowing a person to feel full for a longer period of time without having to eat.

3. Digestion

Irish potatoes aid in the prevention of constipation and the maintenance of a healthy digestive tract.

4. Cancer

The presence of folate in Irish potatoes aids in DNA synthesis and prevents the formation of various cancer cells.

5. Enhance brain function

It aids in the maintenance of brain health. The Irish potato contains vitamin B6, which is a useful brain chemical for the brain, as well as other elements such as phosphorus and zinc, both of which are beneficial to the brain.

6. Prevent scurvy

Scurvy is caused by a vitamin C deficiency and is characterized by anemia and bleeding gums. It aids in the prevention of the disease due to its high vitamin C content.

Take a moderate amount of potatoes.

7. Pain relief from rheumatoid arthritis

The Irish potato contains magnesium, vitamins, and calcium, all of which work together to provide soothing relief for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

8. Helps to relieve stress                                    

  1. Irish potatoes are high in vitamin B6, which helps keep your nervous system healthy.
  2. It also rejuvenates the body’s cell walls and helps humans avoid mood swings.

The Irish potato stimulates the release of adrenaline, a hormone that promotes happiness and relaxation.

9. Bone health

Potatoes contain iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, and zinc, which all help the body build and maintain bone structure and strength.

Iron and zinc are essential in the formation and maturation of collagen.

Phosphorus and calcium are both important in bone structure, but they must be balanced for proper bone mineralization. Too much phosphorus and not enough calcium causes bone loss and contribute to osteoporosis.

10. Cardiovascular health

The fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 content of potatoes, as well as their lack of cholesterol, all promote heart health.

Potatoes have a lot of fiber in them. Fiber reduces the total amount of cholesterol in the blood, lowering the risk of heart disease.

According to NHANES research, a higher potassium intake and a lower sodium intake are associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality and heart disease.

11. Inflammation

is it an important and versatile nutrient found in potatoes? It assists with muscle movement, mood, learning, and memory.

It also helps with:

  1. Keeping the structure of cellular membranes intact
  2. Sending nerve impulses
  3. The process of fat absorption
  4. Brain development in childhood

Choline is present in 57 mg per large potato. Adult males require 550 mg per day, while females require 425 mg.

12. Metabolic process

Vitamin B6 is abundant in potatoes. This is important in energy metabolism because it breaks down carbohydrates and proteins into glucose and amino acids. These smaller compounds can be used for energy more easily within the body.

13. The skin

The skin’s support system is made up of collagen. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, assisting in the prevention of sun, pollution, and smoke damage. Vitamin C also aids collagen in smoothing wrinkles and improving skin texture.

14. Immunity

According to research, vitamin C may help reduce the severity and duration of a cold. Potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C.


To some extent, the healthfulness of a potato in the diet is determined by what is added to it or how it is cooked. Oil, sour cream, and butter all add calories, but the plain potato has a low-calorie count.

It also contains important nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin B6, and minerals.

A 100-gram (g) or 3.5-ounce serving is roughly half of a medium-sized potato. 

This amount of baked white potato with skin contains:

  1. 94 calories
  2. 0.15 grams of fat
  3. 0 grams of saturated fat
  4. 21.08 grams of simple carbohydrate
  5. 2.1 grams of nutritional fiber
  6. 2.10 grams of protein
  7. 10 milligrams (mg) of calcium
  8. 0.64 mg of iron
  9. 27 mg of magnesium
  10. 75 mg of phosphorus
  11. 544 mg of potassium
  12. 12.6 mg of vitamin C
  13. 0.211 mg of vitamin B6
  14. 38 micrograms (mcg) of folate

Niacin, choline, and zinc are also found in potatoes. Different varieties have slightly different nutrient profiles.

Sodium: Whole, unprocessed potatoes have very little sodium, only 10 mg per 100 g (3.5 ounces), or less than 1% of the daily limit. This is not the case with processed potato products like French fries and potato chips.

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA): Potatoes contain an alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) compound that aids the body’s conversion of glucose into energy.

Some evidence suggests that alpha-lipoic acid can help diabetics control their blood glucose levels, improve vasodilation, protect against retinopathy, and preserve brain and nerve tissue.

Quercetin: Quercetin, a flavonoid found in potato skin, appears to have an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, protecting the body’s cells from free radical damage.

Flavonoids are phytonutrients or organic compounds that are thought to help protect against disease.

Antioxidants: Vitamin C, which is found in potatoes, acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants may aid in the prevention of cell damage and cancer, as well as the promotion of healthy digestion and cardiovascular functions.

Fiber: The fiber in potatoes aids in the maintenance of a healthy digestive system and circulatory system.


According to the USDA, more than half of all potatoes sold in the United States are used to make French fries.

French fries, however, are not the only or best option.

There are numerous low-cost and simple ways to incorporate potatoes into a healthy diet.

Identifying Potatoes

There are numerous potato varieties to choose from, not to mention sweet potatoes. There are white, red, yellow, and blue varieties, as well as a variety of options within each color.

Here are some tips:

  1. When baking, use starchy potatoes like russets.
  2. Use all-purpose potatoes, such as Yukon gold, for roasting, mashing, or baking.
  3. Waxy potatoes, such as red, new, or fingerling potatoes, hold their shape better in potato salad.
  4. Choose firm, unbruised potatoes that are relatively smooth and round. Avoid any that show signs of decay, such as wet or dry rot, as well as any roots or potatoes that have a greenish hue.
  5. To avoid bacterial buildup, buy potatoes that are unpackaged and unwashed. The protective coating on the skins of potatoes is removed when they are washed early.


Potatoes should be stored in a dark, dry place, such as a cellar or pantry, at 45 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, or 7 to 10 degrees Celsius.

Solanine is formed when potatoes are exposed to sunlight, which causes them to turn green. It is poisonous. When potatoes are refrigerated, their starch content is converted to sugar. This can result in an unpleasant flavor.

Potatoes and onions should not be stored together because both produce natural gases that cause the other to decay.

Although fully grown potatoes have a shelf life of up to two months, spoiled potatoes can contaminate the potatoes around them. To keep the rest of the potatoes from spoiling, remove any that are rotten.

Cooking and preparing potatoes

Because the majority of the vitamin, mineral, and fiber content of potatoes is found in the skin, it is best to eat them with the skin on.

Scrub potatoes under running water and use a paring knife to remove any bruises or deep eyes. To avoid the metal reacting with the phytochemicals in the vegetable and causing discoloration, use a stainless steel knife rather than a carbon steel knife.

Jacket potatoes baked in their skins are a quick and easy meal. Serve with salad and your choice of tuna, cheese, baked beans, or another favorite topping. Cooking and eating the skins helps to keep the nutrients intact.

To retain more of the water-soluble vitamins, potatoes can be boiled with mint and sprinkled with black pepper, or steamed.

To make a healthy potato salad, boil baby new potatoes and set them aside to cool before adding freshly chopped garlic, mint, and olive oil.


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