Home News Genesis Global Church Celebrates Annual Adult Harvest Tagged Strange Mercy|Blissful Affairs Online

Genesis Global Church Celebrates Annual Adult Harvest Tagged Strange Mercy|Blissful Affairs Online


Genesis Global Church Celebrates Annual Adult Harvest Tagged Strange Mercy


The Genesis Global Church, on Sunday, 18th December, 2022 celebrated her Annual Adult Harvest Tagged “Strange Mercy”.

While speaking on the theme, Prophet Israel Oladele Ogundipe, popularly known as Genesis, reveals why the church has tagged the 2022 harvest as “Strange Mercy”. He said, strange mercy is what you receive that it’s beyond your efforts, understanding, expectations, and thoughts. When you enjoy favour without struggles, it’s called mercy.”

Prophet Israel Oladele Ogundipe, however, revealed that all that he has been through has now becomes history as divine transformation has occured with strange mercy.

During an interview with the Prophet, he advises youths across the globe, to discover themselves, invest in themselves, and they should not be naive.

“Do not be controlled or ruled by your thoughts or the circumstances going on in the country, see yourselves as a game changer and a territory taker.” He states.

The harvest took a new dimension as the evergreen music legend, Evangelist Ebenezer Obey ministered in songs alongside other artistes.


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