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Wise Women of CAIM Have A God Given Mandate to Ury unto God for A Divine Intervention|Blissful Affairs Online


Wise Women of CAIM Have A God Given Mandate to Ury unto God for A Divine Intervention|Blissful Affairs Online 

Preparation for  A one day prayer conference  of  The Wise Women of Christian Association of Igbo Ministers are on top gear This is according to pastor Mercy Evan, The women Coordinator of Oshodi Osolo Chapter.

Pastor Evans  speaking with Eastern Eye Mag., explained that all  the executive of the women wing will be prayed for on June, 10, 2024 at the Tree of Life Fulfilling International Ministry Ejigbo Lagos.

“The Lagos State women Coordinator Rev. Mrs.  Ngozi Erem  and the  Executive Council will be led by Apostle Ihuoma Ugwubujo  who is  the National Women Coordinator of CAIM.

Apostle Ugwubujo  sees this opportunity as a divine mandate and to serve faithfully in love and unity for the whole body of Christ.

Apostle Ugwubujo  said, currently CAIM  has over 25 Chapters over the nation. While charging Igbo ministers to wake up from their slumber by actively participating in the discharge of their civic responsibility.  She called on Igbo Christian bodies at all levels to join the move to propagate their faith in Christ and to bring back our original glory.

 The membership of CAIM is drawn across the country at national, State, and chapter levels. She also told us what the association is all about.

The Christian Association of Igbo Ministers (CAIM) is a non-denominational and Non-Governmental Organization. It is an association of God-fearing, Spirit-filled ministers of God, of Igbo extraction who have the burden and passion to pray for Ndigbo and Alaigbo. Such ministers could be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers bishops and elders from various Christian denominations.

 There are certain spiritual, political, economic and social problems that have become matters of great concern to Ndigbo over the years. These problems make them unhappy (Ex. 2:23-25; Ex. 3:7-10; Neh. 1:1-4). But we believe that God can change the condition of Ndigbo through the Gospel and fervent intercessory prayers.

 Therefore, as spiritual leaders of our people, we have a God-given mandate to cry unto God for divine intervention and “blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us (Ndigbo and Alaigbo), which was contrary to us” (Col. 2:14; Neh. 1:4-7; 2 Chr. 7:14; Jer. 30:17-19; Rom. 10:12). When we pray, God will hear and change our situation and heal our land. This is a clarion call to all Igbo ministers who love Ndigbo and Alaigbo to join hands with us to fulfill this God-given mandate to the glory of God and the well-being of our people.

 Since inception, CAIM has organized the 1st Igbo Prayer Summit on 3rd October, 2016 at National Stadium, Surulere, Lagos. The programme attracted huge crowd from the Igbo-speaking states of Abia, Anambra, Delta, Ebonyi, Enugu, Imo and Rivers. Moreover, CAIM has inaugurated chapters at local government, state, national and international levels.

 We, therefore, extend our hands of fellowship to you, as an Igbo minister, to join us to fulfill this divine mandate.


1. To unite the Igbos, foster unity among our leaders and to pull down the walls of disunity in Ndigbo through the power of the Gospel and prayer.

 2. To organize and to sponsor city-wide crusades in all the Igbo speaking states, as the Lord directs.

 3. To fulfil our divine mandate as the watchmen over our dear Igbo land.

 4. To acquire lands and build camps, schools and hospitals in all the Igbo speaking states.


Our mission is to educate, unite, liberate and to salvage our dear Igbo land through positively impacting our people with God’s love, preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and intercessory prayers.


We believe in love, unity and progress of Ndigbo. We expect Honesty, Integrity, Transparency, Accountability and Commitment from our members.


An intending or prospective member must:

1. Be a God-fearing, Spirit-filled, minister of the Gospel.

2. Come from any of the Igbo-speaking States of Abia, Anambra, Delta, Ebonyi, Enugu, Imo and Rivers.

3. Be a minister who understands the plight of the Igbos and have the burden to pray for them.

4. Understand the power of Unity, Love and Prayer.

5. Agree with CAIM’s Vision, Mission and Core Values as well as the above conditions for membership.

6. Identify with CAIM by completing the membership form.


Restoration and rehabilitation of our wounded brethren in the ministry.

Solidarity with our brethren in times of challenge or any eventuality.

Experience brotherly love among the brethren.

Opportunity to meet and identify with other ministers.

Opportunity to be involved in ministerial training and other goodies.


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