In what seems to be the most shocking move by the Nigerian police, some Nigerian police officers along Okota area of Lagos have stopped popular prophet and Ambassador of united nation peace, Primate Elijah Ayodele from the cleansing activity he embarked on earlier this week to stop the spread of Corona Virus in Lagos state.
The man of God , who is also the leader of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church started this cleansing on Sunday, 5th of April, 2020 according to a directive from God, to complement the efforts of the government in curbing the spread of the virus.
It is worthy of being noted that Primate Elijah Ayodele is the only prophet who saw the coming of this deadly virus several years ago.
In 2006/2007, he released his annual book of prophecy titled Warning to all nations and he asked the world to pray against a disease that may occur globally and that there will be an economic crisis that the world leaders will be confused about.
Also, in the 2018/2019 edition of the book, he asked that China should pray against an outbreak of disease.
Similarly, in the 2019/2020 edition of the book, he stated that There will be natural disaster in various region of the world, outbreak of diseases that will be an epidemic status, killings and attacked, world leaders will be trouble. Countries like china, America, UK will be looking for solution for such epidemic disaster.
Few months after his prophecies, Corona Virus came to play and it has left the whole world in panic even up till this moment.
Again, Primate Elijah Ayodele came up with a solution which according to him was revealed to him by God. He made provisions for 10,000 bottle of water and anointing oil to serve as a divine vaccine against Corona Virus and added that the Lord asked the world to fast for three days between April 16 – 18 to reduce the strength of the pandemic.
The Prophet after all this still fed 8,000 lagosians, and went around the streets of Lagos last week with water, to cleanse Lagos off corona virus.
During this movement, the Oba of Ejigbo, Oba of Isolo, a house of assembly member appreciated the efforts of the man of God, praising him for the sacrifices, money, energy he is giving to this without expecting a reward.
According to the man of God, he was about to embark on his journey to some other parts of Lagos, the Isolation centre too before some police officers stopped him.
‘I wanted to continue my journey to other parts of Lagos for the cleansing, but when we got to a point, some officers of Okota police station stopped us, while collecting bribe at that point, they still asked us if we have food in our vehicle.
Why is police being satanic to the cleansing of Corona Virus, we are not disturbing the peace of the land, they were hurling abuses at us, they said they don’t want prayers, we didn’t pass our boundaries, we were just two in the car, we didn’t have close contacts. One of the officers destroyed our speaker too.
Governor Sanwoolu has done his best, the medical doctors have done their best, what is the way forward from the spiritual angle, how do the clerics support the government? This is the ignorance of the police, they are not well educated, Police are satanic to the cleansing of corona virus in Nigeria, especially Okota Police station’’, he angrily said.