Gambia Mighty Visitation : The Kingdom Determined What Happens On Earth – Dr Chris okafor|Blissful Affairs Online


    Gambia Mighty Visitation : The Kingdom Determined What Happens On Earth – Dr Chris okafor

    ……Prayers Provoke Divine Mighty Visitation

    The Kingdom is the backbone of whatever happens to Man on Earth, therefore the system of the Kingdom makes whatever does not work, Supernaturally work very well.

    This and more are the Foundation raised by the Generational Prophet of God and Senior Pastor Grace Nation world-wide Dr Chris okafor at the officially opening of a three days Prophetic Mighty Visitation Conference in Banjul Gambia put together by the Chris okafor world outreach Ministries COWOM in conjunction with Grace Nation world-wide aka Liberation City.

    Speaking on the theme of the conference,The Mighty Visitation with subtitles “Let’s the Kingdom Comes”, The Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris okafor explained that when the kingdom comes and God show up in any situation, Impossibilities becomes Possible.

    The Man of God said when you pray for the kingdom to come and the kingdom comes, all your situation changes for Better, because the Kingdom determines what happen on Earth.

    The Apostle of altar also remarked that to Provoke Divine Visitation, you must deployed the Principles of Prayers for open doors to Manifest, when you Provoke Divine intention, Prayers with Purity, it Provoke Divine Visitation from Elohim, therefore When you pray, you are raising fire around yourself and when you include fasting, you are increasing the fire to give way for the kingdom to come.

    The Generational Prophet of God further stated that when you begins to work in the vineyard and Serve God regularly he will raise Fire around you for protection and you will receive his Mighty hand of Visitations, Lagos Popular Prophet Dr Chris okafor Concluded.

    Demons from the water, bloodline inherited Patterns,evil Projection were all destroyed during the Realms of the Prophetic at the Conference, evils altars holding People’s glory and causing kinds of barriers was set on fire by God through his beloved Servant the Generational Prophet of God, while miracle babies were released to awaiting mother’s to the Glory of God.

    Highlight of Day one of the Gambia Mighty Visitation Conference was the total submission to God by More than 1000 Participants at the Conference, while scores rededicated there Life to Jesus Christ too.

    The Gambia Mighty Visitation Conference continues in Banjul at Buffazone Open Field, Tallinding Banjul Gambia by 4pm on 15th November 2023. Join the Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris okafor to Pray, come with your love ones and family member, God of Dr Chris okafor answers Prayers and you are next in line for your Testimonies .


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