Gambia Mighty Visitation Conference: God Words So Powerful with Ability to Bring Light and Darkness Gives way – Dr Chris okafor|Blissful Affairs Online


    Gambia Mighty Visitation Conference: God Words So Powerful with Ability to Bring Light and Darkness Gives way – Dr Chris okafor

    …..when you work in ignorance you cannot get anything….okafor

    When you work in ignorance, you cannot get anything good from it, Some people are poor, not because God cannot prosper them, the power of God is available to set them free, deliver them, but because of ignorance, what they need is wisdom to enforce God ability in there Life, but due to there ignorance they are still wearing the old wine “skin”.

    The Generational Prophet of God and Senior Pastor Grace Nation world-wide Dr Chris okafor speaking at the Day 2 of the ongoing Gambia Mighty Visitation Conference taking place in Banjul Gambia, said the old wine skin has to do with the foundation.

    The popular Lagos Prophet who was teaching on the Series, “Dealing with the old wine scheme” reiterated that Some people are Born again but still leave under tormentation why because they have not been enforces to deal with the unresolved issues in there foundation, The man of God said when you are born again , the spirit mind in you is born again and you will be able to renew your mind with the word of God, therefore you will be strengthen to parts with the old wine scheme.

    The Generational Prophet of God said the old wine scheme is the battle you inherited from your parents, it’s also the transgenerational battles and curses, but immediately you give your life to Christ with heart of purity, Pray strategically, dealing with the old wine scheme will be thing of the past.

    Dealing with the old wine scheme, you must be born again to resolve all the unresolved issues by your foundation, again you should also be a kingdom investor, when you invest in the things of God, God gives you supernatural wisdom to tackles barriers and power to overcome darkness and it’s principalities, the man of God also remarked that you need divine Wisdom to deal with the old wine scheme in your foundation.

    Deliverances from transgenerational curses, blood line issues took centre stage at the conference, God uses his servant to overturn curse’s by father’s over the travelling document of a lady at the Day 2 of the Gambia Mighty Visitation Conference.

    Various sickness, medically incurable illness cast out of participants at the conference, fibroid melt out, New womb given to a Mother who’s womb has been removed Medically, New job, marriages were also released at the program, Low sperm count, Miracle babies were also given to mother’s waiting unto the Lord.

    The Gambia Mighty Visitation Conference continues on 16th November at same Venue Buffazone Open Field Tallinding in Banjul Gambia by 4pm.


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