

    By Comr. Mark Uloko

    Leadership comes with great responsibilities and much expectations. There is no doubt that people’s perception are always different base on their understanding and interpretation of what this words “Leader” mean to them. In a real sense; a leader must possess some of these quality before he/she can be ascribed as a good and qualified leader which include: effectiveness, selflessness, visionary, proactivity and productivity

    Since 1999, when our nation started this current democratic dispensation and people are given opportunity to freely elect their leaders and representatives into various political offices; hiterto to the 2019 general elections, the political arena of Apa/Agatu axis of Benue State has been characterised by several unfortunate stories and manifestations when it comes to having a good and quality leader at corridor of power.
    This was occasioned by the election and selection of individuals who are either ineffective, unproductive, full of selfish interest or lead without tangible people-oriented visions.
    They forget that leadership is about “the people” not “individuals” leading/ruling with failed and fake promises. Propagating lies and deceits not realising that one day is “GODS-DAY” to visit His people with answers to their prayers.

    The story of our dear constituency today is not far from the age-long adage that says “wait for God’s time , because God’s time is the best.” Another meaning of ‘GOD-DAY is GOD-TIME’.

    Aftermath of 2019 general elections when Hon. Goday Samuel took the mantle of leadership in APA/Agatu the stories seem to be different and favourable to the the constituents; a tangible proof that God has spectacular plans for the people of APA/Agatu.
    Hon. Godday Samuel has not only been democratic in his leadership style to the people of his constituency but very proactive in response to issues and challenges confronting his people.

    Irrespective of political line, the people of APA/Agatu have a fair and equitable share in his leadership. This act, many quarters described as “Leadership without Borders”, students, widows, youths, aged men and women are direct beneficiaries of his kind and unique gestures.

    Infrastructural development, empowerment and other social services are now visible accross the constituency in recent times.
    Construction and renovation of schools, donation of transformers, construction of bridges and culvets, donation of educational materials to pupils, sponsored sports activities, payment of tuition fees for students in higher institution amongst others.

    Hon. Godday from on set is a progressive personality and thinker, these qualities denied him the party ticket on the platform of self-acclaimed largest political party in west Africa People Democratic Party (PDP) in 2018 during their primary election when the party leadership viewed his emergence as a threat and an agenda that will promote community impact rather than enriching individualism.

    It is indeed no doubt in my dear constituency that the losers have re-grouped and are re-strategizing tirelessly recruiting and mobilising some “ignorant youths” whose are to do the dirty job of maligning and discrediting the committed efforts of Hon. Godday Samuel in order to have their way back to power and destroy the newly established foundation of development laid by the people’s Honourable.

    This reminds me of a popular saying “doers easily forget but their deeds are hardly forgotten”. Same set of persons forgot the kind of retrogression and damages they caused the constituency over the years while in the corridors of power.
    Fact remains that; these past and greedy leaders have are becoming more irrelevant as the day go by because of their failures to contributes adequately and impact positively to lives of the people when they had the opportunity to do so.

    The era of fake promises are gone, they have enjoyed their turns, let the people also enjoy the true meaning of democracy and good leadership.
    As a people, we must arise to defend, redesign, redefine and promote good governance in our land, the New APA/Agatu where our unborn generation will be proud of is possible.

    The current movement is not about Hon. Godday Samuel but the total liberation of our land from the oppression of failed power-drunk individuals who does not and may not have any life outside the corridors of power because they lack the capacity to build individuals, businesses and systems that can survive beyond public funding.

    Indeed, these are the God-days of Apa/Agatu Federal Constituency and we all must resist the ungodly circles, working hard to stay relevant in power without justifiable people-oriented agenda.


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