16,000 young people upskilled by Alliance for Youth Nigeria|Blissful Affairs Online


    Alliance for Youth Nigeria

    16,000 young people upskilled by Alliance for Youth Nigeria

    Mustapha Fasasi,a 34yearold indigene of Oyo State, South-West Nigeria, is excited about his recently
    acquired skill of solar pane instalationfor homes and smal businesses. With priorinterest in solar
    and renewable energy, he signed up for the vocational skills training hosted by the Aliance for Youth
    Nigeria, as soon as he heard about the training through a radio program.
    “The training was an extremely rewarding experience for me as have been equipped with the hands
    on skills and knowedge required to immediately commence solar panel installations and start earning
    income to support myself and my famiy.I look forward to further personal development till I become
    an expertin this sector”, he said.
    Mustapha is one of over 500 young people, who are beneficiaries of the vocational skills training held
    in Ibadan and Kano.
    Despiteyoung people beinga tremendous resource for sustainable development, Nigeria’syouth
    unemployment rate stands at 53.7%according to the National Bureau of Statistics. There is therefore
    a pressing need for innovative and hands on interventions, includingentrepreneurship education,in
    reversing thistrend.
    The Alliance for Youth Nigeria is addressing thisneed,with the recent conclusion of a vocational skills
    training program, delivered in colaboration with Whitefield Foundation.
    The training which enabesyoung peopleacquire knowledge, skills andconfidence for self
    sustainability, covered four skillsets –Solar panel instalation, Graphics Design and Social Media
    Management, Beauty Care (makeup, aromatherapy and massage)and Web Development and Digital
    Marketing. Theselectedskillsets were identifiedasquick-to-marketandhigh-impacteconomic areas
    with immediate opportunities for earning a decent income and improving livelihood.
    Launched in August 2021, the Aliance is a business-driven movement of organizationspassionate
    about working together to help young people around the country acquire the necessary skills to thrive
    in the world of work or create their own enterprise. Members of the Alliance for Youth Nigeria incude
    Nestlé Nigeria, Jobberman Nigeria, Big Bottling Company, the United Nations Global Compact
    Network Nigeriaand UConnect HR Limited with the Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports
    Development, Lagos State Employment Trust Fund and Activate Success International as partner

    The member and partner organizations are committed to equipping young Nigerians with
    employability and entrepreneurial skills to enable them secure gainful employment or set up
    businesses of their own.They have also positioned themselves to invest in joint and individua projects
    to give young Nigerians meaningful work experience, internships, readiness-for-work training, and
    mentoring opportunities and are committed to contributing towardsthe United Nations Sustainable
    Development Goa 8 -to promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and
    productive employment, and decent work for all by 2030and Goa 17, Partnerships for the Goas.
    Over the last two years, the Alliance has empowered over 16,000young peoplewith employability
    and entrepreneurial trainings, internship and mentoring opportunitiesequipping them for the word of
    work and business.
    In commemoration of the 2023International Youth Day and second-year anniversary of the Alliance,
    high-fyers of the vocational skills training in Ibadan and Kano, were gifted start-up kits to enable the
    speedy commencementof their businesses. High-flyers from the graphics design and digital
    marketing trainingswere provided laptops, those from the Beauty, massage and aromatherapy
    training were provided make-up tool kits and massage beds while high-flyers from the solar panel
    installation trainings were awarded complete toolboxes for their vocation.
    According to Ahmed Alaga, President of the Alliance and Program Manager Partnerships,Jobberman
    Nigeria, “Young people are the engine for growth and development, a huge resource and great asset
    for national advancement. The Alliance for Youth Nigeria is committed to supporting young Nigerians
    with the skills, trainings and knowledge that will increase their chances of getting gainfu employment
    opportunities or becoming entrepreneurs, unleashingtheir true potential”.
    In his comments at the Ibadan event, Shakiru Lawal, Vice President of the Alliance and Country HR
    Manager, Nestlé Nigeria PLC said, “Young peope are central in building the nationwe all desire. At
    Nestlé, we believe thatcommunities cannot thrive if we fail to offer a future to them. This is why we
    are committed to working with stakeholders and like-minded organizations to help young people
    develop their skills so they can find jobsor create their own businesses. am deighted that the trainees
    have acquiredcapacities and capabilities to make a difference, enhance opportunities for self
    employment and economic productivity.To the exceptional traineesbeing providedwith start-up kits
    today,I urge youtopositivelyuse these skills to make a living and serve yourcommunities”.
    Tumi Onamade, Secretary of the Alliance and Senior Manager, Participant Engagement &
    Programmes, UN Global Compact Nigeria Network who was at the Ibadan event said, “Today we stand
    united in celebration of two impactful years of collaborative youth empowerment. At the United

    Press Release –Alliance for Youth Nigeria
    Lagos, Nigeria, 12 August 2023
    Nations Gobal Compact Network Nigeria, we recognize that scaling up action and investing in the
    youth not only creates economic opportunities but also heps businessesgrow and stay sustainable,
    echoing SDG 8: Decent work and Economic Growth. To the beneficiaries of the startup kits, you are
    now empowered with skills and equipped with tools, embrace this opportunity to turn your dreams
    into thriving realities. Your journey starts now! As we commemorate the International Youth Day, we
    reaffirm our commitment to the Alliance for Youth Nigeria, fostering SDG 17: Partnerships for the
    Goals. Our journey as an Alliance remains unwavering, bound by purpose and guided by the firm belief
    that by investing in youth today, we build a stronger tomorrow”.
    In a statement, the Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports Development,
    Abubakar Ismailsaid, “With the huge number of youth entering the labour market annually in Nigeria,
    and limited job opportunities in the formal sector, skils based entrepreneurship remainsa viable
    option for economic empowerment, job creationespecially in thesmal and medium enterprise sector,
    and improvement of the general standard of living.Globally, entrepreneurs have advanced
    development through innovations in al sectors. The Federal Ministryof Youth and Sports
    Development is committed to the development of appropriate Policy Frameworks, such as the National
    Youth Policy which has empoyment and entrepreneurship as strategic thrusts and the Nigerian Youth
    Employment Action Pan, with priority focus onemployability, entrepreneurship, employment creation
    equaity and rights. We aredelighted to be part of the Alliance for Youth Nigeriaand willcontinueto
    collaborate with stakeholders to create opportunities for youth development”.
    Expressing his deight on behaf of his colleagues, MustaphaFasisi said, “Thanks to the faciitators,
    the trainingis of huge benefit to us as it was veryeasy to understand and implement.We are deeply
    grateful to the Alliance for investing in upskilling young peope and further awarding thoseof us who
    excelled at thetraining with start-up kits. Wepromise to maximally deploy the skills and tools to
    commence our businesses”.
    On her part,Mariya Ahmad Jibrin, who participated in the Kano training in the graphics design
    category expressed her gratitude to the Aliance for the transformative training experience which has
    equipped herwith the skills to create impactful designs, affirmingthat the laptop provided to her as a
    start-up kitis an invaluable and treasured supportfor her business.
    The Aliance for Youth Nigeria is committed to continued investment in capacity development of young
    people, equipping them with the right skils and experience in a rapidly evolving word and for a better
    With 70% of herpopulation under 30, Nigeria has one of the largest youth populationin the world,
    representing a remarkable opportunity for development and growth.

    The International Youth Daycelebrated annualy on 12 August, isan opportunity for governments,
    internationaly and nationaly,and otherstakeholdersto draw attention to youth issues worldwide,
    particularly as reated to heath, education and employment while celebratingthe potential of youth as
    partners in today’s globa society.
    The theme for this year’s celebration is “Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World”.

    1. Ayodeji Odesola, a representative of Activate Success International
    2. Tumi Onamade, Senior Manager, Participant Engagement & Programs, UN Global Compact Nigeria Network
    3. Shakiru Lawal, Country HR Manager, Nestlé Nigeria PLC
    4. Simbo Akinrosotu, Chief Youth Development Officer, Enterprise Development and Promotion Department, Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports Development
    5. Tayo Fadipe, Project Coordinator, White Field Foundation

    Picture 2: High-flyers of the vocational skills training with the start-up packs provided by the Alliance to enable them commence their businesses (Picture from the Ibadan event)

    Picture 3: One of the beneficiaries from the Kano event

    Best Regards,


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