GTBank, Zenith Bank, Seplat Boost Nigerian Stock Market Capitalizations|Blissful Affairs Online


    Nigerian banking stocks remain most liquid stocks, as investors gain N25.1 billion.Nigerian Stocks has ended the second trading session of the week on a positive note. The All Share Index gained 0.30% to close at 35,147.62 basis points as against +0.45% appreciation recorded on Monday.

    Its Year-to-Date (YTD) returns currently stands at +30.94%.Nigerian Stock Exchange capitalization stands at N18.364 Trillion. Investors gained N55.17 billion.Nigerian Stocks trading turnover dipped lower at Tuesday’s trading session on the basis that volume dipped by 25.83% as against +118.38% uptick recorded in the previous session.ACCESS, FBNH, and MBENEFIT were the most active to boost market turnover.

    The Market breadth closed negative as CAVERTON led 15 Gainers as against 21 Losers topped by CORNERST at the end of today’s session – an unimproved performance when compared with the previous outlook.PRESTIGE leads the list of active stocks that recorded an impressive volume spike at the end of today’s session.

    Top gainers

    CAVERTON up 9.88% to close at N1.89CUTIX up 9.80% to close at

    N1.68GUARANTY up 5.42% to close at N35

    ZENITHBANK up 1.67% to close at N24.4SEPLAT up 0.40% to close at N402.3

    Top losersFCMB down 3.60% to close at N3.21
    GUINNESS down 2.91% to close at N18.35
    PZ down 2.00% to close at N4.9

    FLOURMILL down 0.90% to close at N27.6
    MTNN down 0.13% to close at N155OutlookNigerian stocks recorded gains amid falling oil prices prevailing at the US trading session on Tuesday.

    Major gains by large capitalized stocks that include GTBank, Zenith Bank, Seplat added gains to the Nigerian Stock market capitalization.
    Cautions should be envisaged in buying amid significant price volatility currently in play at the Nigerian Stock market.


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