Home News End SARS: Don’t use force on protesters – Atiku tells Buhari |Blissful...

End SARS: Don’t use force on protesters – Atiku tells Buhari |Blissful Affairs Online


Former Vice President, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, has pleaded with President Muhammadu Buhari not to use force against End SARS protesters.

This advice came shortly before the military was unleashed on the End SARS protesters in Lagos State and other parts of the country.

Security agents are currently allegedly attacking Nigerian youths on a peaceful at the Lekki area of Lagos State. Media gathered that many of the protesters have been killed while others sustained various degrees of injuries in what many people have described as genocide.

But shortly before the attack, Atiku, a former presidential candidate, pleaded with Buhari to address the youths instead of using force.

He tweeted, “I am saddened by the loss of lives following the infiltration of hoodlums in the #EndSARS peaceful protests.

“My appeal to the government of @MBuhari is that he must not succumb to the temptation to use further maximum force on #EndSARS protesters.
NEWS: End SARS: Hoodlums allegedly gang rape three girls, burn trucks in Ekiti in protest ground

“The #EndSARS protesters are not unreasonable; they mean well and acted responsibly. This is the time to appeal to their reason by speedily implementing their reasonable demands. The use of maximum force will aggravate, rather than placate.”

He noted that now is the time to apply reason and not force, insisting all the government needed to do was show that it cares.

“And on that basis, I urge @MBuhari to talk to the nation, and particularly the youth of Nigeria,” Atiku said.


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